Planned Giving/Donate

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Parish Planned Giving Programme “May God Bless the Giver and Their Gifts”

To help Stella Maris Parish (Christchurch East) boom please consider making a regular financial contribution so that programmes can be implemented to proclaim the Good News to all.  Our goal is to move beyond maintenance to mission.

Planned Giving is where you commit (Plan) to give a regular donation each week/fortnight/month. Joining the Parish Planned Giving Programme allows the parish to budget for the year ahead and plan the Evangelisation and Formation programmes we will run. You are assigned a unique number that allows us to record your donations and issue you an IRD approved tax receipt at the end of each financial year. Under NZ Tax Law you are able to claim a rebate of 1/3rd of donations back from Inland Revenue.

 What To Give The amount you donate depends solely on you and your household. Everyone’s circumstances differ. To assist you to settle on an amount you may give, we encourage you to give back to the Lord the first hour of each week. This is an ancient tradition going back to the days when farmers would give the first fruits of their harvest to God in gratitude for what they had received. For some, gifting the first hour each week may be asking too much; for others, you may be able to offer much more. Take it to prayer.

 What happens to my donation? For every dollar you donate via the Parish Planned Giving Programme 1/3rd of it is given to the Clergy Trust Fund (CTF) for the support of the priests in our diocese (both active and retired). The CTF look after all the housekeeping needs, medical and health needs of our priests.

The remaining 2/3rds of your donation is administered by the parish. The bulk of these funds is applied to parish outreach, staff support and maintenance (e.g. worship activities, Evangelisation projects, staff wages, care of our parish plant). We are also levied a sum of money known as the Diocesan Allocation to support the Bishop’s pastoral works (e.g. prison chaplaincy, youth ministry, Catholic Social Services, formation of clergy).

You can find details below on how to contribute financially.

Automatic Payment – Internet Banking 

We would like to encourage those who can, to donate electronically using internet banking directly to our parish bank account.   The benefits to the parish of automatic payment/internet banking are less time is spent counting cash and taking it to the bank. If you go on holiday your donation to the parish still comes through to us. When you first set up your automatic payment or internet banking, ensure you contact the parish office for a Planned Giving number.

Stella Maris Parish (Christchurch East) bank with Westpac. 

Our account name is CHRISTCHURCH EAST PARISH and our account number is 03 1592 0207535 20 (or 020 if your bank requires a 3 digit suffix). Your Planned Giving number should be listed in the particulars, your phone number in code and your surname in reference. If you need help with this feel free to call into the office.

Planned Giving Envelopes

Alternatively, if you prefer to donate using Planned Giving Envelopes please contact the office.  A set of envelopes will be issued to you.

Please fill out the form below to enrol in the Parish Planned Giving Programme – Google form Click here to fill online

Other Donations

One off donations to the parish may be made at any time directly into the parish bank account. Whether this be to support a family struggling to pay their Attendance Dues, or respond to a prompting of the Holy Spirit to do something different. A tax receipt will be issued at the end of each financial year and emailed to you so please ensure we have your details on the parish roll.

 Alternatively, you can make one-off or regular donations using your credit card by clicking the button below and follow the prompts. (to be created)

Registered Charity. As registered charity our past accounts are available  Click here 

Exodus 40 (2025)